Temple of Jupiter, Baalbak

Over the summer, my family and I had the opportunity to go to Lebanon where our ancestors immigrated from in the 1920s. We were the first of our family to ever return to Lebanon and see where our family originally lived in Zahle, Lebanon. After a cool day of touring around we eventually headed to Baalbek which is most known for the Temple of Jupiter. These ancient Roman ruins are among the largest in the world and dates back to circa 16 BC. The design and attention to detail in every piece of stone really stood out to me as well as the functionality and endurance of the architecture despite multiple civil wars occurring around the monument. Our day spent at the temple is something that I will never forget and it works to tie together our Lebanese heritage. 

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One thought on “Temple of Jupiter, Baalbak”

  1. This place looks incredible! The craftsmanship must have been incredible with it still standing today. This structure dominates everything in the area making a bold statement.

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