Skelly Mansion- Davis Lambert

The Skelly Mansion is an iconic home in the midtown area of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a big, brick house and has four massive white pillars on the front porch of it. It is one of the oldest and most storied houses in all of Tulsa. Although I have never actually stepped foot inside of the Skelly Mansion, I did live a large portion of my childhood right next to it in the same neighborhood. I always loved meeting the new families (usually a prestigious one) that moved in there. Today, Skelly Mansion is owned by the University of Tulsa and serves as the home to the active president of the university. I remember doing a school report over the Skelly Mansion in the 3rd grade as a part of a history assignment for iconic structures in the state of Oklahoma. That project made me realize how cool Skelly Mansion actually is. The house was named after William Grove Skelly, an oil tycoon who lived in Tulsa from 1919 until his death in 1957. The structure served as his home for the first 20 years of its existence. After he left it, the house was deemed the name “Skelly Mansion.”  The house is Renaissance styled with its four pillars standing in the front. The architects and contractors behind the house are Mr. John and Joseph Blair. The Skelly Mansion will serve as an iconic home in Oklahoma for as long as it stands.

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