Shanori Goosen – Frank Lloyd Wright: Blog 6 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright. The building is white and circular. In the foreground is a city street with cars and yellow taxi cabs.David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York.

The next building I will be talking about is the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. This building was made in 1959 in New York, New York. I thought this building was interesting because it seemed very different from the other things he had been producing and what Mr. Wright was known for. His architecture style seemed very angular and rectangular with not many organic styles but headed in a more modern direction. Although this still has the very crisp clean lines that have that idea this building is much more rounded than his other works. You can still see his design of layers that create the building as a whole, but I just thought this one was very different for him.

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