Old Yankees Stadium

Yankee Stadium aerial from Blackhawk.jpg

Ever since I was a kid, my family has been die hard New York Yankee fans. This is a photo of the old Yankees stadium prior to its demolition after the 2008 MLB season. This building is meaningful to me because some of my earliest memories are when my grandpa would take me and my 2 older brothers to yankees games. I can never forget the feeling I would get when we would drive to  a game and I could see the stadium from half a mile away as we approach. Who could ever forget Derek Jeter’s face-busting, diving play into the stands in a 2004 playoff game? I surely cannot. The ballpark opened in 1923 and lived to almost 90 years old before the Yankees opened up a new home. It is one of the most popular stadiums in the history of sports and is quite fascinating. Though the place was pretty run down during my childhood, I still get chills when I see pictures of it because it brings back experiences that I’ll remember forever. Go Yankees.

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