“New Town Hall” – Marienplatz, Munich – Blog 2

Marienplatz in Munich, Germany is a lively part of the city. This district is one connected to a great many shops for locals and tourists alike and features many impressives structures, including the “New Town Hall”.

Designed by Georg von Hauberrisser in 1867, this building is very ornate, complete with every type of artistic feature one could ask for, and is riddled with beautiful Gothic influences. Along the lower level of the building, I remember seeing what I thought were shops tucked nicely beneath this behemoth, though my lack of ability with the German language could have prompted a mistake in this thinking.

When I happened upon this area, it was towards the end of my short time in Munich when I went out to gather souvenirs. Marienplatz was bustling when I arrived, not quite crowded, but one definitely had to move with the crowd to get where one intended. I remember thinking how this building suited the area so well. Its highly decorated exterior created a sense of noise that accompanied the liveliness below quite well. This being said, the building itself does not seem overwhelming. The noise created by its external decorations seem ordered, much in the German way, and command a gentle sense of belonging alongside the crowd below.

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