Mesa Laboratory, Boulder, CO – I.M. Pei – Blog 7

Designed in 1961 by I.M. Pei as his first non-urban architectural project, the Mesa Laboratory is the primary laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Located near the Flatirons hills on the Table Mesa, this complex features efforts of naturalistic integration while maintaining the modernist style for which Pei is well-acquainted.

Image result for mesa laboratory"

The color and geometry used in these buildings are meant to complement those of the surrounding landscape. I.M. Pei took inspiration for the large, covered openings at the top of most of the towers in Mesa Laboratory from the cliff dwellings of the Anasazi people of Mesa Verde. Pei also attempted to increase interaction amongst scientists and researchers by intentionally creating a maze-like complex of buildings and corridors. Additional buildings, also designed by Pei, were later added to account for increased volume, such as the Fleischmann Building that is now used for administrative purposes.

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