Meaningful Structure Blog 4

The Oklahoma City Memorial

Though I am not from Oklahoma City, nor was I alive for the Oklahoma Memorial, I visited the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial and it impacted me greatly. This memorial brought me both positive meaning and sorrow. This memorial brought positive meaning to me because it shows respect and remembrance to those fallen in the horrific bombing, each and every individual in a grand way. It gave me a little look along with the stories to show how the city came together in respect for those innocent lives taken. On the contrary, this structure brought me sorrow for those that died and for their families and loved ones. This tragic event changed the lives of many for the rest of their days. The body of water in the middle surrounded by the individual chairs for each person and lights made for a jaw-dropping experience filled with mixed emotions. Though I was not affected by the event itself, its legacy and remembrance will stick with me for the rest of my life.

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