McKinney Boyd

I decided to write about my high school because of the architectural beauty behind it. I attended Boyd high school freshman-senior year and made some great memories there. McKinney Boyd is home to 3,000 students and is a quarter mile long. A funny memory I have from high school is walking from one side of the building to the other during passing period. I think one semester was tardy every single day to my math class because of the long walk and lack of time between classes. The school is beautiful inside and out, likely because it is relatively new (opened in 2006).  Anyways,  I wanted to include this building because I spent so much time there on a daily basis and got to know so many people. I still pass by it on my way home from Norman and love visiting when I get the chance.  Honestly, it took me a few years to really realize how pretty and well structured the school is compared to the majority of the other schools in the U.S.


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