Mátyás-Templom, Budapest, Hungary – Blog 3

Mátyás-Templom, or Matthias Church, in Budapest, Hungary was a very different experience that what we had encountered in Munich. I could not find very definitive information on who designed the church originally, but this structure has been around since the 13th century, though it has been reconstructed many times since. The version that we see today is thanks to the reconstruction efforts by Samu Pecz and Frigyes Schulek.

This building is definitely something to see. What stuck out most about it was the highly intricate tile-work that adorned the roof of this massive church. This place was one that seemed to project colour into all aspects of what it came into contact with, even on such a gloomy day as when I visited.

Not only was this building impressive, but the entrance to this area from Halászbástya, Fisherman’s Bastion, accentuated it quite well with its dull color-scheme  leading into the vibrant building above. Such contrast truly does this magnificent building justice.

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