Lorreto chapel- New Mexico

It was a hot, sweltering mid- day in Santa Fe, NM. albeit ONLY 96 degrees,  the ever resilient rays of the New Mexico sun were bearing down like their sole purpose was to force me into a heat stroke of apocalyptic proportion. Ahead, I saw my destination; a beautiful white church in downtown Santa Fe. I gathered up enough courage to walk the extra 40 steps to its entrance and opened the door to this astounding building. A crisp, cool breeze struck me in the face like a heavy weight boxer who had been taking performance enhancing drugs for the better part of a decade. After I collected myself, I walked through another entrance of the church enjoying a nice cool environment and the cooling relief of an $8 Dasani water. As I pierced the barrier of the of an overarching doorway. I felt a different, almost holy vibe to the stillness of the air. I had walked into the main portion of the Lorreto Chapel in Downtown Santa Fe. This chapel was built in the early 1500’s by the sisters of the of Lorreto; although they credit St. Joesph with its erection. The Lorreto chapel was destroyed and reconstructed at least 3 times and opened its final time in 1878, known primarily for its nail-less, wooden spiral staircase, this colonial building is awe-inspiring and is one of the few buildings in Santa Fe that have a $5 charge for an ATM withdrawal. Despite being overcharged for nearly everything in the gift shop attached to the chapel, I had a great experience learning about its history and the architecture that went into building it. If you are ever wondering where you can find a $1 water bottle for $8, I would go to the Lorreto Chapel and step into my shoes as you marvel the beautiful infrastructure of the church and peruse the nailless staircase.

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