Gladvin George Blog #3 – Home

This is a picture of the place where I grew up. It is located in southern India in a small town called Mylapra. The first thing that might catch your eye is the bright pink color on the exterior walls. This is unique because in India, you can find houses painted in bright colors like pink, yellow, green, etc. This place is my true home because this is where I lived until I was 9 years old. This is where I first walked, first talked, and all other firsts. When I went back a couple years back, the house and the things around the house felt smaller than I remembered. Maybe it’s because I lived there while I was small and everything around just was bigger than me. Also, I felt a lot of emotions come up when I visited. That place is deeply ingrained as a key part of my life and my upbringing. Sometimes I wish I could go back because those were simpler times.

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