Gamble House by Greene and Greene

The Gamble House was constructed by the architectural firm Greene and Greene. The house was built in 1908-09 for David B. Gamble. The house is in Pasadena, California and today is a National Historic Landmark as well as a California Historical Landmark and is open to public tours. The style in which Greene and Greene built the house shows influence from Japanese styles. The interior of the home was built with multiple different forms of woods such as teak, maple, oak, Port Orford cedar, and mahogany. An interesting detail is that the living room was designed to be as inviting as possible so it was constructed without any doors. The house was included in an all-time top 10 list of houses in Los Angeles in a Los Angeles Times survey. I liked the design of this house and the fact that many different kinds of woods were used to construct it. I also find the Japanese style of architecture appealing so that is another plus for the house.


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