Blog 1 – Fountain Place (Dallas, TX)

This is Fountain Place in downtown Dallas, Texas. Many people from Dallas immediately recognize this building when they see it, and apart from the Reunion Tower ball, is probably the most recognizable building in Dallas’ skyline. This building is part of my past because my dad had an office there for many years, and when I was young I thought it was the coolest place in the world. My dad doesn’t work there anymore, but I still drive by it semi-regularly and I always think of the times I would get excited to go visit his office. So I would say this building reminds me of a younger, simpler time in life. It was designed by I.M. Pei and the original plan for this project was to have twin towers. But the Texas oil, banking, and real estate industries all collapsed during its construction, so the project ran out of money and the second tower was never built.

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