First United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK

One building which I would like to reflect upon is First United Methodist church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was born and raised in Tulsa, and this has been my church ever since I can remember. It holds a special place in my heart as I have spent many times, both good and bad, here. The architecture of the building is truly beautiful which makes spending time here even more enjoyable. As a child in church on Sundays I remember many times looking around the church admiring, among many things, the stained glass windows at the very front and the detailed pillars surrounding the pews in the middle. The church may not be new, but I could tell just how well built it was by the two inviting yet secure front doors even from an early age. Overall, this church has been a huge influence in my life whether it be as a place of worship, contemplation, or fun at Sunday school. I truly believe that my experience with this church would have been different had it not been for its impactful architecture.

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