Cascia Hall, Tulsa, OK

One building that has been a huge influence in shaping me as not only a student, but also a person was my high school. Cascia Hall is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a Catholic Augustinian School that was built in the 1920s. After being built it was an all male boarding school until the 1980s when the school became a co-ed non-boarding school. That being said, I essentially grew up in this building. I attended school, studied, participated in school activities and sports, and formed many friendships that I still have today and likely always will. Other than the actual house I grew up in, this building was the most significant part of my life during my teen years. Upon first glance I remember thinking that the school looked very much like Hogwarts, and it somewhat does. The main high school building is very old, and it shows. But, this doesn’t mean it isn’t nice. In fact, the building has a ton of character. Such as the heavy and old, but sturdy wooden doors. Additionally, the outside is composed of uniquely layered bricks that appear crooked and protruding. However, this is by design. In fact, I have yet to ever see another building with brickwork like Cascia Hall. The floors are made of an old, consistent marble type material. Essentially everything in the building is old except for some newer additions, but it was built right and is still sturdily and beautifully standing today.

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