Blog 8-Joseph Foucart-Julia Kim

I have saved my blog for my favorite building of Foucart’s. The “Victor Block”. From what I can see, it is the biggest building on the streets of Oklahoma. It is located in Guthrie, Oklahoma and was built in 1893. Still one of his early designs but I love the details taken into the design but how it comes together as one smoothly. Again, he has different designs in the windows but again, it comes together perfectly. It has no awkward distances between the designs. Also, I love the corner of the building’s windows, crowning, and panel. By the pictures, it looks as if there are more to the building as sections and by the address, I believe I can confirm my theory. I would love to visit this building to examine the details more closely. I also appreciate that the building doesn’t look rundown but instead very well taken care of over the years. Lastly, what I like most about the building are the colors. You’d have to look more closely at it to notice it itself as the bigger picture, it comes together very nicely and cleanly.

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