BLOG 8 – Donald Albers – Mies van der Rohe – Villa Tugendhat

Built in a wealthy neighborhood in the Czech Republic between 1928 and 1930, this structure appears to be way ahead of its time. It is said to be one of the pioneering prototypes of modernism in Europe and it is clear to see why. The three-story villa is situated on a slope of a hill and utilizes a sense of minimalism. Mies van der Rohe wanted to emphasize a functional utility, as in the Seagram Building, by expressing the external and structural elements. The use of floor to ceiling windows is a common theme among his works but at the time of its construction, it was a very unusual design. The cost of the construction, of course, was incredibly high, largely due to the use of expensive materials such as onyx, tropical woods, and marble, along with modern heating and ventilation systems. This house really impresses me because it is a design that I could see myself enjoying living in, and the fact that this was built in 1930 is just astonishing.

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