BLOG 7 – Donald Albers – Mies van der Rohe – Seagram Building

The Seagram Building is probably one of Mies van der Rohe’s most seen and visited buildings, largely due to its location in Midtown Manhattan. Mies van der Rohe was given an unlimited budget for the building from the Seagram’s heiress and therefore had complete control over the materials and design of the structure. The building’s use of articulating the structure externally greatly influenced the field of architecture. Van der Rohe believed that the building’s structural elements should be visible in order to better connect with the public. He did not believe in ornamenting the building and found the functional utility to be more beautiful. Having spent a good amount of time in Midtown Manhattan, I never knew this was built from a world-renowned architect, but I definitely remember this building by how much it stands out from the typical building in the city.

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