Blog 1.1 (Colosseo a Roma)

Last Summer I had the opportunity to go to Europe. Our first stop on the backpacking adventure was Rome, simply because we did not want to take any chances on missing an opportunity to see the Colosseum. Everything went perfect. We were lucky enough for a couple to cancel their tickets the night before we went on tour, so we got to skip all of the lines for the same price as everyone else. Once inside, many people would just see the warn down surface, but I have been in awe of this statement in history for years. The models and stories of what it once looked like were incredible. However, I did not know as much about the Colosseum as I had thought. Not only was this a place for gladiator fights, executions, and even a naval battle reenactment; but after all those years, it was still a staple to the environment. The Colosseum became home for hundreds of merchants and farmers in its later years. As I walked around, the building came to life. After many fires and constant modifications by locals, every little piece of ruin has a story.

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