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Michael Reynolds Earthship School – Blog 8

Throughout his career, Michael Reynolds has proven that he not only cares tremendously about the well-being of the environment, but he wants to positively impact people and communities all around the world. The first Earthship in Latin America was a sustainable public school located in Uraguay. The school  includes old rubber tires, aluminum cans, solar panels, and many more recycled or natural resources. Reynolds help guide hundreds of volunteers to construct the amazing school over the course of a few months. I find it interesting that a school with such a complex drainage and drinking water system can be created from these kinds of materials. The true genius of Michael Reynolds was showed off in this building because it proved that no matter the geographic location, he can make an advanced, eco-friendly building like this one!

Latin America's First Earthship is a Sustainable School Built from Found Materials,via Earthship Biotecture / Tagma

Little Chapel in the Woods

This incredible chapel created by O’Neil Ford is one of the most aesthetically pleasing structures he has created in my opinion. The chapel is located in Denton, Texas. The inside of this structure is perfectly symmetrical and embodies a real chapel feel. Use of wood and stone/brick create a sturdy, yet beautiful structure.

Tower of the Americas

This is a very famous building by architect O’Neil Ford in San Antonio, Texas. I have actually visited this building in person and it is incredible. There is a restaurant located on the top floor. This building was originally created for part of the Worlds Fair decades ago. The tall slim structure towers over the skyline once you are inside. I was astounded by this building when I saw it in person.

2.2 Henning Larsen- Harpa Music Hall

This building is one of Henning Larsen’s last pieces of work. The construction began in 2007 until the Great Recession took grip of the construction company, forcing the company to stop construction. The cost of construction was then taken into the government’s hands until the construction was complete. The construction was complete in 2011. It is now used as a concert hall as well as a conference center. It has been seen in popular shows such as Black Mirror which is on Netflix.

Blog 1- Building 2 (positive)

I pass this house everyday on my way to class and getting around Norman. This house is probably one of my favorite houses I have seen in person. The shear beauty of it with all the columns and pillars and the different levels in the bricks really intrigues me. There has been a lot of times between school and work that I’m just drained but then seeing this house just keeps me motivated to keep working at it. It keeps me driven so to get to my end goal hopefully later in life.

3. Ando Tadao – Water Temple Hyogo

The Water Temple Hyogo located in Hyogo Japan was built in 1991. Ando Tadao has always loved the use of concrete as his materials. In this exquisite design, he actually designed a little pond on top of the building as a roof.  The building was designed as the residence of the oldest sec of Tantric Buddhism in Japan. I like how Ando Tadao blends some of his buildings with nature. I would think he does that because japan is such a pretty place.

Jean Nouvel Blog 4 – Gladvin George

This building is called the Torres Glòries in Barcelona, Spain and it is another piece by Jean Nouvel. It resembles the shape and structure of the Doha Tower in Doha. However, instead of intricate weave patterns that are on the Doha Tower, this building is covered with glass and steel. This allows for a nighttime spectacle because they light the building with different colors. This building looks like it belongs in the Middle East, but Nouvel brought that energy to Europe by designing this in Spain. Jean Nouvel has an intriguing creativity and it shows in his architectural designs.

blog 2- Charles Rennie Mackintosh- Scotland Street School Museum

The Scotland Street School Museum was Charles Rennie Mackintosh last big build. The Museum was finished in 1906. This building goes back to embodying how I always envisioned Scottish Architecture. Has the big pillars, lots of windows, and beautiful stone, much like Mackintosh’s School of Art. I like all the windows he did in the project, between that and the light tan colored brick it really softens up the building inside and out. You can tell that when given the freedom that he really liked to tie the buildings back to his roots.

2. Ando Tadao – Chichu Art Museum

The Chichu Art Museum was constructed in 2004 in Japan. As you can see in the picture, the museum is built inside of the ground. Ando Tadao wanted to combine the relationship between people and nature. The Museum uses a ton of natural light, which can at times change the appearance of the artwork depending on how bright it is outside. I have honestly never seen anything like this before! The inside of the Chichu Art Museum is even cooler. I recommend looking up more pictures of this museum, they will not disappoint!

Jean Nouvel Blog 3 – Gladvin George

Known as the Burj Doha or Doha Tower, this building is another unique architectural piece by Jean Nouvel. From first glance, it may look like a glorified silo-like building. However, the outsides of he tower is covered in intricate designs just like the dome of the Louvre in Abu Dhabi. You can see that Nouvel strives to keep some of his unique fingerprints in different buildings. This building is in Doha and it cost about $125 million to make and it is said to be a cousin of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world.