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The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The MET, which it is often called, is where i discovered my love for art.  Right when i saw the building i knew it was something special. Inside, nearly every room is layed out differently according to what type of art it houses. Because of this, by the time I left, I felt as though I had been to a hundred different places all in a day.  This really changed how i viewed the history of the world and my place in it. I didn’t think before that a museum would be able to do something so powerful.

National September 11 Memorial & Museum

This memorial is such a serene, beautiful place in the middle of the chaos that is NYC. The first thing I felt when I saw the hole in the ground and all the names was sadness. Where there was once one of the tallest buildings in the world, was now a giant hole. But after spending time there the beauty becomes so apparent.  There is a constant waterfall with trees all around. It gives off a strong feeling of hope, showing that something beautiful can come from such a terrible event. I spent about an hour here just thinking.

The Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

Image result for ou football stadium

The Gaylord Stadium is a very important building to me because it is the home of the Oklahoma Sooners (the best college football team ever).  This stadium is very special because we have had incredible past seasons here with baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray.   Every game that I have gone to has been fun and exciting getting to watch my college football team compete and win.  Whenever I walk into the stadium, I get happy and excited to know that I get the opportunity to watch the Oklahoma Sooners play.

First United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK

One building which I would like to reflect upon is First United Methodist church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was born and raised in Tulsa, and this has been my church ever since I can remember. It holds a special place in my heart as I have spent many times, both good and bad, here. The architecture of the building is truly beautiful which makes spending time here even more enjoyable. As a child in church on Sundays I remember many times looking around the church admiring, among many things, the stained glass windows at the very front and the detailed pillars surrounding the pews in the middle. The church may not be new, but I could tell just how well built it was by the two inviting yet secure front doors even from an early age. Overall, this church has been a huge influence in my life whether it be as a place of worship, contemplation, or fun at Sunday school. I truly believe that my experience with this church would have been different had it not been for its impactful architecture.

Bank of America Plaza

Bank of America Plaza is probably the most significant building in my life as I can’t think of a building the defines Atlanta more. Being born and raised in Atlanta I saw this building nearly every day and was always impressed with its prominence on the Atlanta skyline.  It is the only “supertall” skyscraper in Atlanta so its definitely one of the building I’m most proud of in the Atlanta skyline. It really gives off the empire state of the south vibe. What is even more impressive about the building is construction only took a year as it was started in 1991 and finished in 1992.

Oklahoma state capitol

The Oklahoma city capitol is a very beautiful building. The building is known for its pillar design and dome shaped roof. At the top of the building stands a 10 foot indian statue. I can remember taking a 4th grade field trip here and seeing the replica indian on display inside of the building. The building is symbolic to the history of the indians in Oklahoma. Every time I drive by the building I can’t help but stare at the indian on top of the building. This building is a one of a kind and I think very every oklahoman, Indian or not, really appreciates this remarkable historic building.

Hearst Tower

Hearst Tower










When I was in New York the building that I would first see out my apartment building was the Hearst Tower, which is a fairly spectacular building to wake up to as a kid. I thought it was fascinating because of how different the base of the building was compared to the rest of the glass tower. The glass tower design itself is nothing to scoff at either with the futuristic triangle construction. I learned this was the case due to the tower being a new addition to a building that was completed in 1928. The tower currently houses the Hearst media conglomerate. I would say this building kicked off my interest in city development. Been watching the New York skyline develop ever since.

Couch Tower

My first impression of the tower wasn’t much. It’s tall, bulky, and plain with an interior to match. The rooms bring about a similar reaction, with twin xl beds that didn’t deserve a second glance and a bathroom that rivaled the ones on the second floor of the Biz. But despite all the disappointing characteristics, the tower brought me some of the best memories in my three years on campus. Couch brought me life long friends through my roommates and helped me get connected on campus in many different facets. Every time I pass by on my way back from class I am consistently reminded of the good times that I’ve had here on campus and forever grateful for my time spent here.

Oklahoma city’s Devon tower

The Devon tower is the tallest building in Oklahoma. The building is relatively new. The building has a very modern sleek design considering the outside is completely all windows. This building is enormous and is used for multiple reasons. Many businesses work out of this tower. At the very top of the building there is a restaurant called Vast. I can remember going to this restaurant with a date. The view from the restaurant  is absolutely incredible. You can see the entire city from the top of the building.

Will Rogers Arena

Will Rogers Arena is located in Fort Worth and is where the Fort Worth Texas Stock Show Rodeo is held every year.  This is an important building to me because I have been going to the rodeo since I was a little kid and have always loved going.  We would always go as a family and have a good time walking around, going on rides, and eventually going to watch the rodeo.  Eating the carnival food and drink is always fun and makes the arena a more social and fun place to go and visit.