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blog 1 Blazers Ice Centre

This is Blazers Ice Centre and it has impacted my life to make me the person I am today. This building is just a big block of bricks and steal beams running across the ceiling. The building itself is actually falling apart. But I started skating here at 3 years old, my fondest memories are growing up in this ice rink. This ice rink is where I developed my work ethic, drive, and competitive nature. Hockey made me into the person I am today and I owe a lot of my success to this ice rink.

Blog 1 – Fountain Place (Dallas, TX)

This is Fountain Place in downtown Dallas, Texas. Many people from Dallas immediately recognize this building when they see it, and apart from the Reunion Tower ball, is probably the most recognizable building in Dallas’ skyline. This building is part of my past because my dad had an office there for many years, and when I was young I thought it was the coolest place in the world. My dad doesn’t work there anymore, but I still drive by it semi-regularly and I always think of the times I would get excited to go visit his office. So I would say this building reminds me of a younger, simpler time in life. It was designed by I.M. Pei and the original plan for this project was to have twin towers. But the Texas oil, banking, and real estate industries all collapsed during its construction, so the project ran out of money and the second tower was never built.

Skelly Mansion- Davis Lambert

The Skelly Mansion is an iconic home in the midtown area of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a big, brick house and has four massive white pillars on the front porch of it. It is one of the oldest and most storied houses in all of Tulsa. Although I have never actually stepped foot inside of the Skelly Mansion, I did live a large portion of my childhood right next to it in the same neighborhood. I always loved meeting the new families (usually a prestigious one) that moved in there. Today, Skelly Mansion is owned by the University of Tulsa and serves as the home to the active president of the university. I remember doing a school report over the Skelly Mansion in the 3rd grade as a part of a history assignment for iconic structures in the state of Oklahoma. That project made me realize how cool Skelly Mansion actually is. The house was named after William Grove Skelly, an oil tycoon who lived in Tulsa from 1919 until his death in 1957. The structure served as his home for the first 20 years of its existence. After he left it, the house was deemed the name “Skelly Mansion.”  The house is Renaissance styled with its four pillars standing in the front. The architects and contractors behind the house are Mr. John and Joseph Blair. The Skelly Mansion will serve as an iconic home in Oklahoma for as long as it stands.

Sarkeys Energy Center

I chose Sarkeys Energy Center as one of my buildings because I spend a lot of time in there with my major. I also chose the building because the outside isn’t a lot to look at other than worrying about it falling over but the inside is pretty nice. I have met a lot of friends in this building and I might as well call it home away from home.

BOK Center

This is the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I chose this building because my mother and I went and watched Chris Stapleton there one time and it was incredible. When you look at the BOK Center I can’t quite understand how they made it work. It is a beautiful building to look at and very neat inside.

Middle School Building

This is a building from my past. I went to upper elementary and middle school here. I chose this building because this was one of the only buildings that survived through the 1991 tornado that went through Oologah. My mom, aunt, and uncle also went through the same building growing up. I find the look to be much older compared to the buildings that have been rebuilt and new buildings made. I also met a lot of my best friends in this building.

Southlake Town Square (Fountain & City Hall)

Southlake Town Square was a very significant part of my childhood. My mother worked here and owned a commercial real estate firm and was her company had the contract for this shopping center. The site was cleared in 1997 and it broke ground in 1998. My mother was touring the site and almost gave birth to me while touring with the main investor and press. The bricks around the fountains have names on them and my mom got one for me. I grew up roaming the square and spent a lot of time sitting around this fountain. I remember going to city hall meetings with my mom and having to stay late at her office with her.

Price College

Price College has been an important part of my college career. I still remember the moment I received my degree candidacy and how excited I was. In this building I found my love for accounting and I realized how much I really appreciated the amazing guidance of the professors I have had thus far in my college career. Every time I walk over to Price from my house I still look at it the way I did the night I knew I would receive my degree candidacy. I feel lucky and humbled to be able to be a part of such an amazing program at OU.

Will Rogers World Airport – Dillon Dougherty 4

Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma CIty, Friday, March 23, 2018. Photo by Bryan Terry, The Oklahoman

Will Rogers may not be the biggest or best airport ever, but for some reason it gives off a home type vibe. I have traveled many times out of this airport to travel within the United States. This airport has many happy memories traveling with family and friends. It is never chaotic or ridiculously busy which I like. It being a less stressful airport is nice. The employees being from Oklahoma helps as well cause there is nothing like southern hospitality before or after a stressful day of traveling.