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St. Andrews Church (Plano, TX)

This is the church that I attended with my family growing up. I would often volunteer at a food pantry that was based out of the church. I have spent a lot of time here, and it had a profound impact on me growing up. It has a very welcoming atmosphere and I have a great time whenever I visit!

Bizzell Memorial Library (Norman, OK)

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a building that took me a while to appreciate. First semester of freshman year I studied primarily in the study centers in the towers. The Great Reading Room is what made me initially appreciate the Biz. Over three years of all-nighters and group projects, I have clocked a lot of time here. The more I walk around, the more cool little places I find. Can’t wait to look up the clocker tower one day.  And who doesn’t love having coffee that easily accessible!

Cathedral of St. Paul

My grandmother lived in St. Paul, Minnesota for a few years. My family was able to visit and my grandmother took us on a tour. Even walking up to the cathedral, it is the first time I can remember actually paying attention to the architecture of a building and appreciating it. There was a magical quality throughout the entire building. This is the only cathedral like this I have ever been to. My grandmother lit a candle when we visited, which represents the intention of prayer for another person, and I loved the room where the candles were held. I would love to return here one day, as well as visit more cathedrals.

Northwest Baptist Church (Ardmore, OK)

This is the church in my hometown I attended with my family growing up. The church was divided into two buildings, one where potlucks and bible studies were held, and one where the Sunday services were held. I loved attending. My mother sang in the choir and the whole church had a very traditional feel. There was plenty of natural light and beautiful paintings placed all throughout. My best friends from middle school all attended as well, so I made great memories. It was in a not-so-great part of town, so it stood out as a nice church.

Arcadia Round Barn

The famous “Round Barn” can be found right in Arcadia, Oklahoma on Route 66. The building has been a tourist attraction for those driving on Route 66 since the 1920s, and similar to these tourists, I too find this structure extraordinary. The first time I drove on Route 66 when I was 10 and had just moved here, my parents pointed out the building and explained its significance. I thought it was incredible that someone had decided to build something like this over 100 years ago. From then on, I have driven by it often on my way to Pops or to the lake, and I imagine it will probably be around for quite some time.


The Golden Arch Mcdonalds (Vinita, OK)

This Mcdonalds is not like most ordinary Mcdonalds. At one point in its life, this was the largest Mcdonalds in existence. It is located close to the Oklahoma and Missouri border in Vinita, Oklahoma. This is an important building for me because of the memories it brings. The only time we would ever go to this Mcdonalds when I was young was if we were going to our family cabin in Branson, Missouri because it was on the way. It was also really cool to go to as a kid. This was during some of the best times of my life and once we made it to that McDonalds we knew we were getting close.

McDonald's Over Highway In Oklahoma

First United Methodist Church (Broken Arrow, OK)

This is my home church in Broken Arrow, Ok. I started going to this church basically right when I was born and was a member all through high school. I even go back to this church when I go back home to see my family. This building is very important to me because of the memories I made here and the lifelong friends I have now because of it. I have always been fascinated by the architecture of the building because it has been through many renovations but still has a traditional and almost “old” feel to it. But the interior is very modern and new.

Memorial Union

The Union is a place that I have many fond memories from as a child. My family would usually hang out in the Union before gamedays when we were able to make get tickets. The building was named the Memorial Union after the OU students that died in World War I. Constructed in 1929, the old building has been renovated 3 times. It was most recently renovated in 2007.

Wantland Stadium

Wantland Stadium is a stadium in Edmond, Oklahoma. I’m from Edmond, and this stadium was the first exposure I had to live sports. It is home to the UCO Bronchos, and it used to host the local high school football games until recently. My only memory of the first game I went to was watching the Edmond Memorial mascot tumble down the hill overlooking the stadium. It was opened in 1965, and the capacity was expanded to 10,000 in 2005. Last year, a 45,000 sqft sports facility was opened right next to the stadium.

St. Peters Basilica

When I studied abroad in Arezzo, we got to visit the Vatican, an experience I will never forget. We got to listen to Pope Francis speak and tour St. Peters Basilica. The whole experience was surreal because of the history the building, not to mention the beauty behind each square inch.  While the outside was amazing to look at, the inside was even more intriguing in my opinion.  The statues, artwork, and high colorful ceilings are just a few of the great things I remember from the inside. Aside from the fact that thousands of people were surrounding the entire place and I felt claustrophobic, the overall experience of getting to see a world famous basilica like St Peters was unforgettable. St Peters and the Sagrada Familia are the top two buildings that i have had the opportunity to see and I feel extremely lucky because of how much I learned and the beautiful mental pictures that i took of both of them. CIAO.

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