All posts by Macey Whitehouse

Field House by Wendell Burnette

Architect Wendell Burnette designed the Field House. This residential private home is only one box that is 5,000 square feet. The material of the outer part of this home is a metal covering that is zinc galvanized. The Field House is protected from the wind because it sets back against a tree line that is mature. This idea was from an old farm nearby. The sun warms the house in the winter months because the south and east walls open up.

Hidden Valley Desert House by Wendell Burnette

The Hidden Valley Desert House is a small house that sits on a desert slope that faces the south. The contours of this particular site are paralleled by the elevated pinkish-red scale that runs east and west. The shelter and shade of this home are provided by the canopy that is on the top of it. Also, this canopy provides all of the necessary needs for a carbon-neutral home.

Desert Courtyard House by Wendell Burnette

Wendall Burnette Architects designed the Desert Courtyard House. This house has rammed earth walls that provide a protective shell around it. The desert Courtyard house was built to be used as a second home, and it is fully surrounded by granite boulders and tall cacti in order to not be noticeable. This house is on a surface of the patinated metal that helps this house blend in with its surroundings. The purpose of the way the outside of this building is designed was for it to be a shadow into the landscape. The desert is the center of this home because of the way it is positioned. It is on the edge of a peninsula and the main living area has glass walls.

Blog 4 – Gathering Place

The Gathering Place is a public park in Tulsa Oklahoma. I enjoy going here to just relax and hang out with my friends. Also, this is the place I go to, so I can spend quality time with my nieces and nephews. Tulsa definitely needed a place like this, and I am beyond glad this park was able to be built. It has positively influenced my life.

Blog 3 – Train Depot

This is the Train Depot that was built in 1923 in the small town of Bristow Oklahoma. When traveling on route 66, many people stop by to see this historic train depot. Unfortunately, when I am back in my hometown and I drive by this I get nothing but negative emotions. This is because the Polar Express came to my town when I was in high school, so I took a job as a “chef” and it was truly the WORST experience of my life!!! I literally got fired because a customer asked me a question and I gave them my honest answer; however, I did get rehired the next day because my dad was friends with the mayor.

Blog 2 – Bristow Holiness Church

This is a picture of my childhood church. This building is significant in my life because it was here that I gave my life to the Lord. My home church has always been a place I go to seek peace. Also, this is always the place I go to when I am facing my hardest struggles because I know I will find comfort. I also have such a strong support system from everyone that goes here. All in all, this church has influenced me in many positive ways.

Blog 1 – Oklahoma State Capitol

To many people, the Oklahoma State Capitol is simply just the house of government for Oklahoma. However, to me, this building is far more than just a place where laws are passed. When I am in this building, I dream about my future because I hope to one day be walking the halls as a lobbyist. Last session, I was able to intern for a local lobbying firm in this building, and it was truly one of the best experiences of my life.