All posts by ryleegerm99

Blog 8-Confluence Park-Lake|Flato-Rylee German

This is a pavilion located in San Antonio Texas. I like how the structure is not rigid and has rounded edges. The structure almost reminds me of a flower or sea shells showing some biomimicry. I saw in other pictures yoga classes are held beneath it. The support beams are relatively small for how big the structure is on top leaving room for numerous activities. Of the Lake|Flato projects I’ve seen, this one is by far my favorite.

Blog 7-Houston Museum of Fine Arts-Lake|Flato-Rylee German

This museum looks like it is in an urban area. Even though it is in the city there is greenery around the building. There are different sections of the museum with different natural light levels. The artworks needing different light conditions can all be in the same building. I like how it isn’t a big box. The building itself does not have walls that are the same from the ground to the roof. These aspects make the building interesting to look at as a preview for the interesting art inside.

Blog 6-Miller Porch House-Lake|Flato-Rylee

This building by Lake Flato is a house intended to be in nature. It has many windows for viewing outside and letting natural sunlight in. The structure is small to take up the least amount of space in nature in order to blend in. I really like this building because of its simplicity without it looking too modern. There is a huge sliding door that lets light shine through it which I absolutely love. I also enjoy the metal paneling paired with the wood.

Blog 5-1221 Broadway-Lake|Flato-Rylee German

This building by Lake Flato is an apartment complex in San Antonio. I personally am not a fan of the modern look of the building. The grey is nice in the fact that it is subtle however I would not pair it with the dull blue. This grey and blue with the building design makes it look too modern for my taste. However on the flip side I love the simplicity and how the balconies almost look like they float. I also really enjoy the nature paired with the grey in the building. This pairing makes the colors in nature better appreciated.

Blog 1- Rylee German

The Overholser Mansion is close to my old house I lived in for 7 years. When I was 6 or 7 there was a 4th of July block party and the water balloons and slip n slide were in the mansion’s front yard. I loved that house because it was mysterious and scary. My mom and I took a tour of it the same day and it was very dark and old world on the inside. My friends would always say it was haunted and watch the house’s windows for ghosts. Now when I pass the house it reminds me of my childhood summers.