All posts by Rowdymeeker

Cape 10

Cape 10 is designed as a building for the disadvantaged in Austria. The building was supposed to be completed by the end of this year but is taking a bit longer than planned. It shows that beauty should not only be for  the rich and powerful but also for the less fortunate. It brings hope that buildings meant to help people should also being enjoyable to look at and I think that’s one thing that isn’t always the case.

European Central Bank (ECB)

The European Central Bank (ECB) designed by Coop Himmelblau is an impressive feat of architecture and shows beauty where it’s not thought to be found. The building is derived from a polygonal shape cut into half and the sides of the two are switched giving this building its unique and beautiful shape.

ECB Frankfurt, Germany

Martin Luther Church

Completed in 2011 the Martin Luther Church looks nothing like it sounds. Its contemporary shape sets it apart and made it the centerpiece of Hainburg, Austria. Its roof has 3 large holes in it that allow light to flood the sanctuary giving it a one of a kind look that can’t be mistaken. Actual photographs can’t really show the detail of the rood and surrounding area but the model allows you to clearly see the complex shapes derived from computer software that give it its wild look.

BMW Welt

The BMW Welt designed by Coop Himmelblau was completed in 2007 as a new delivery center for BMW. An open consultation ended with Coops design coming out in front. Its unique design and stunning shape show that corporate environments don’t have do be boring squares and cubicles.

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Last December I went to Italy with my mother for 10 days. We traveled to all the major cities and a few smaller ones. Attached is a picture of the Vatican, or St. Peters Basilica that I took while standing in the square. Seeing the building and surrounding area on television and in movies doesn’t do it any justice. The size of the Main building and the intricacy of the building and its interior are unimaginable. We were on a guided tour of the building and learned a lot about the history from our guide but I was more interested in seeing the smaller rooms that the tour didn’t cover. Without a guide getting lost would have been an actual issue as the building seems like a maze with all the connecting rooms that seem to go on forever.