All posts by PJ Novak

Blog 8 – Tom Wright (8)

Being the 4th structure designed by wright we have seen, it is clear that his design is extremely large scale, extravagant, and intricate. This is the Ad Astra Tower which is located in Batumi, Georgia. The external structure of this building has a  very strong exo-skeleton, made of a diagonal steel mesh that carries all the weight of the floors to help avoid the internal dimensions of pillars or beams. Wright is known all around the world for how large, beautiful, and unique his style of architecture is. It all has an extremely modern look and everything he has designed is a beautiful work of art.


Blog 7 – Tom Wright (3)

This hotel is another structure designed by Wright and is built to showcase the shameless wealth of this Emirate. The Burj al-Arab with its unusual “sailing” shape is the success of a team of architects who had the task of designing one of the best hotels in the world for Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The hotel is located on an artificial island and is also a 5 star hotel.

Blog 6 – Tom Wright (2)

Wright also designed this structure which is the Capital Gate located in Abu Dhabi. This strucure is the most inclined tower in the world and the Ribbon of Light in Iran. This structure has several uses like a five-star hotel in the Hyatt chain and holds seats of the most luxurious offices of the Arab emirate.

Blog 5 – Tom Wright (1)

Tom Wright became head of Atkins’ architecture arm as well as becoming a design director for the Jumeirah Beach Resort which is in Dubai. He designed the Burj Al Arab or the Tower of the Arabs. His mission was to create an iconic and known structure for Dubai and wanted the building he created to be the one that would become known when you think the place Dubai. This specific structure is a hotel is built in the shape of a dhow’s which is a traditional Arabic ship sail to show Dubai′s heritage combined with a modern aspect in how its designed.


Blog 4 – Hancock tower

Hancock tower is  a 100 story tall skyscraper also located in Chicago, Illinois. Although it is a bit shorter than the Willis tower, it is still an architectural feat with a beautiful and intricate design. This tower is considered one of the most famous buildings of the structural expressionist style. You can see the skyscraper’s distinctive X-braced exterior pictured above. This is an architecual  and engineering technique the the architects used to achieve a record height. Although not as tall as the Willis tower located near here, this one stood out much more to me based off of its unique style and design.

Blog 3 – delta tau delta

This is a fraternity house here on campus at OU with a very intresting style of architecture. Its a large triangle with a large rectangular courtyard in the center which is very open. This is a style of architecture I have never really seen anywhere before and think that the design is pretty unique.  It is one story and seems very old but the design is creative in a way because it is a very unusual and uncommon building type showing an old style of architecture.

Bizzell Memorial Library – 2

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a beautiful five story brick building located here at the University of Oklahoma. It is considered a mixture of collegiate gothic and Cherokee gothic and was built in 1928. In my opinion this is one of the best looking buildings on our campus and draws many people to use it and its many things it has to offer.

Blog 1 – Willis Tower

Standing at 110 stories tall, the Willis Tower is located in Chicago, Illinois and is one of the tallest buildings in the world. I first saw this building as a young child and it had such an impact on me that I will never forget. This is already such a large tower, that seeing it when I was so young made it seem even bigger. I remember thinking it was one of the, if not the, largest thing I had ever seen in my life. I was truly able to understand the true size and beauty of this tower when I visited it again a few years ago and had the chance to go to the top of there tower where I was truly amazed and overtaken with this architectural feat.