All posts by ncook98

Blog 2.4 – Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art by Steven Holl

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City was expanded in 2007, the design was done by Steven Holl. The expansion was a very modern extension to the existing neoclassical building and provided the museum with 5 new pavilions. The pavilions are made up of twin layers of glass that when lit up, illuminate both the architecture and the landscape. The expansion also increased the museum’s space by more than 70 percent and includes five expansive light-filled galleries.

Blog 2.3 – Linked Hybrid Complex by Steven Holl

The Linked Hybrid mixed-use complex in Beijing was designed by Steven Holl and completed in 2009. It is a counter to current urban developments in China because it creates a large urban space that is inviting and open to the public from every side. The entire complex is a three-dimensional space where buildings on the ground, above ground, and underground are fused together through open passageways. The design of the complex encourages various types of interactions in the public space including commercial, residential, educational, and recreational. The complex has been described as an “open city within a city”.

Blog 2.2 – Hunters Point Library by Steven Holl

This September, Steven Holl completed the Hunters Point Library in Long Island. It has a mostly concrete structure and features large irregular windows that provide waterfront views of Manhattan. The concrete is painted with an aluminum finish, and the windows are placed in sculpted cuts carved out of the facade to show the movement of the people inside and give expansive views of the Manhattan skyline. The size of the windows also allows natural light in from all sides to animate the space within. Additionally, the interior is lined with warm bamboo, which combines with the natural light to create an inviting space. The library also has a reading garden and incorporates green space around the perimeter of the building despite the compact nature of the design.

Blog 2.1 – Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by Steven Holl

This is the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by Steven Holl. It  does a great job of incorporating nature into its design and enables a significant amount of natural light. It also incorporates a reflection pool in its courtyard and the laser etching on the windows expounds the amount of natural light allowed in. This makes the building seem more open when inside. It also uses a void slab design that uses plastic balls in the concrete to reduce deadweight over long periods of time. This makes the building both modern and sustainable.

Blog 4 – Marshall Family Performing Arts Building

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During my sophomore year, my high school completed construction on this new fine arts building that cost upwards of $50 million. I remember being in awe when I walked in for the first time after the building was completed. The modern interior had a very different feel than the building we were in previously. And as someone who was very involved with photography in high school, the new photo studio inside was otherworldly. We always had our weekly assembly in the theater in this building and we had our baccalaureate ceremony there as well. This is the building that most comes to mind when I think of my high school. So when I see it, it brings back memories of both the good and bad experiences I had as a high school student.

Blog 3 – Dallas Waterfall Billboard

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This billboard in downtown Dallas is what everyone sees when entering downtown from I-35. Even people who have only visited Dallas once are familiar with it. A lot of people call it “the beer waterfall”. Growing up, I always knew we were downtown when I would see this billboard and it always served as a landmark in my brain. A couple of years ago, my dad actually moved into the apartment building you can see behind the billboard in the image above. This was really cool to me because now I’m in close proximity and get to see the billboard up close when I go visit my dad.

Blog 2 – Globe Life Park

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This is Globe Life Park, where the Texas Rangers played from 1994 until this year. The park just completed its final season, and as a lifelong Rangers fan, I’m sad to see it go. I’ve been to countless games in this ballpark and feel like I grew up in it. Some of my earliest memories were going to games with my parents and even as I grew older, I still enjoyed going with my friends. Throughout my life, it’s been something of a refuge to escape from the chaos of my normal, everyday life. The Rangers are getting a new stadium with a retractable roof next year to mitigate the heat for both the players and fans. Even though I’m excited for the new stadium, this ballpark will always hold a special place in my heart. Despite the heat, it was a great place for a kid to fall in love with baseball.

Blog 1 – Fountain Place (Dallas, TX)

This is Fountain Place in downtown Dallas, Texas. Many people from Dallas immediately recognize this building when they see it, and apart from the Reunion Tower ball, is probably the most recognizable building in Dallas’ skyline. This building is part of my past because my dad had an office there for many years, and when I was young I thought it was the coolest place in the world. My dad doesn’t work there anymore, but I still drive by it semi-regularly and I always think of the times I would get excited to go visit his office. So I would say this building reminds me of a younger, simpler time in life. It was designed by I.M. Pei and the original plan for this project was to have twin towers. But the Texas oil, banking, and real estate industries all collapsed during its construction, so the project ran out of money and the second tower was never built.