All posts by mcke0054

Blog 2.4 Red Banner Textile Factory

Erich Mendelsohn designed the first stage of the project in 1925–1926. He drew the first plan of the factory and the power station of the factory to a futuristic design.  However, Mendelsohn disowned this project because of the modifications made during construction. In 2017 -2018, there was a change of ownership and renovations made to open the building today for tours. Today, this factory is officially recognized as an object of Russian historical and cultural heritage.

Blog 2.3 The Weizmann House

Erich Mendelsohn designe the Weizmann House in 1937. This was the home of the first Israel President, Chaim Weizmann, and after his death it became the official house of the Presidents of Israel. The design concept behind the home was to keep an international style to accommodate the variety different of cultures that visit the home. The structure is centered around a cylindrical stairwell and a pool in the center, and it also focuses on using the landscape around the home (11 acres).


Blog 2.2 De La Warr Pavilion

In 1935, Erich Mendelsohn worked with Serge Chermayeff to create the De La Warr Pavilion. This Pavilion is one of the largest galleries in England still to this day. This building was used during WWII. In 1986, the De La Warr Pavilion was granted a Grade I listed Building Status, making it a protected building from further inappropriate alterations. This building is a modern design with large windows, concrete facades, and use of metals such as wrought iron.

Blog 2.1 Einstein Tower

Erich Mendelsohn

Erich Mendelsohn designed the Einstein Tower. It is an astrophysical observatory  located in the Albert Einstein Science Park in Potsdam, Germany. The building is one of Mendelsohns first projects, built from 1919 to 1921. The observatory become function in 1924, and it is still in use today.  The facade of the building was first constructed with concrete, but due to various complexity issues and shortage from the war the building was finished with brick and then covered with stucco. The building was even damaged by bombing during WWII. In 1999, The building went under a full renovation to bring it up to date.

Blog 1.4 St. Louis City Museum

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My Freshman year of high school I went on a trip to St. Louis, and got to go to the St. Louis City Museum. It was the craziest building I had ever seen and experienced. They made something out of anything, and it just kept you thinking the whole time how and sometimes even why did they build that! I think that would have been a fun project to be a part of. The museum is an interesting piece of architecture, and was a great experience to encounter.

Blog 1.3 Loyd Noble Center

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I have been to the Loyd Noble several of times, but I have never experienced it like I did when I was a kid. My first basketball game ever to go to was an OU basketball game to watch Blake Griffin. The stadium was electric and on of the loudest I have witnessed. (I was 10 at the time I think). Ever since then I have been fascinated with sports stadiums, and their ability to get large amounts of people so energized in one setting. Today I go to the games at Loyd Noble quiet often, but still have not beat that first experience.

Blog 1.2 AT&T Stadium

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In 2017, I went to the Big 12 Championship at Jerry’s World. It is one of the most unique football stadiums due to its over sized jumbo-tron in the middle of stadium. I was sitting on the 2nd level and still felt like I had the best seats in the house. I was even able to get on the big screen. It was a crazy and very fun experience.

Blog 1.1 The One World Trade Center

In the summer of 2018, my family and I took a trip to New York City.  Experiencing downtown New York was crazy. One building that stood out to me the most was the One World Trade Center Building. The tallest skyscraper in New York, standing at  historical 1776 ft tall, was like a national monument.  I have never seen a building as tall or with as much meaning behind it ever before. It was an amazing experience.