All posts by marcorayos

2.4 Henning Larsen- Der Spiegel


Henning Larsen designed this building with the goal of transparency in mind. The reason he wanted to keep the building transparent was because it symbolized the role that Der Spiegel, a media company, had to the public. The role of a media company is to be transparant and to serve the community and Larsen used this as his vision. The construction is made up of 2 different buildings, totaling over 500k square feet.

2.3 Henning Larsen- Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

Uppsula Konsert and Kongress is located in southern Sweden. It is a concert hall as well as a convention center. It is considered one of the premier places of meeting in all of the Nordic countries. It can be used not only just for concerts but it could be rented out for for business meetings as well. There is also a high end restaurant in the building that serves food every weekday as well as Saturday.

2.2 Henning Larsen- Harpa Music Hall

This building is one of Henning Larsen’s last pieces of work. The construction began in 2007 until the Great Recession took grip of the construction company, forcing the company to stop construction. The cost of construction was then taken into the government’s hands until the construction was complete. The construction was complete in 2011. It is now used as a concert hall as well as a conference center. It has been seen in popular shows such as Black Mirror which is on Netflix.

2.1 Henning Larsen- Copenhagen Opera House

The Copenhagen Opera House began construction in 2001 and finished in 2004. It is built across the water from the Dutch Royal Palace and is also in line with Frederick’s Church. This building is the most expensive opera house ever built, with a final price tag of over half a billion dollars. This building was “donated” to the government but in return the entire project paid for itself in tax deductions. So in reality the government was forced to buy it through tax deductions.