All posts by Livia Dvoracek

Stockholm Public Library

The Stockholm Public Library was designed by Gunnar Asplund. The design was proposed in 1922 and construction began in 1924. The project was one of Asplund’s most important works and was opened in 1928, with a few wings still under construction. This building illustrated the shift from classicism to functionalism. Asplund abandoned the dome that was present in his previous works for a rotunda on top of the building. He reduced parts of architecture to their most abstract geometrical forms to eliminate decor. This was Sweden’s first public library to have open shelving to allow visitors access to books without needing assistance from library staff.


The Skogskapellet, aslo known as the Forest Chapel, was the first chapel in Skogskyrkogarden built in 1919. Gunnar Asplund imagined the chapel begin built with stone but it was going to be too expensive to build with that material. After visiting Denmark, his designs became a simple wooden chapel. The building is supported by twelve columns, one for each of the apostles. It has a black roof to contrast the white columns and walls of the building. Benches and chairs were designed by Asplund himself. The interior design language is completely separated from the exterior.


The Skogskyrkogarden, also known as the Woodland Cemetery, is a cemetery in Stockholm, Sweden designed by Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz in 1915. It reflects the development of architecture from Nordic Classicism to mature functionalism. The architects used the natural landscape to create an environment of tranquil beauty. The cemetery was modeled after German forest cemeteries and neoclassical paintings. The cemetery has winding paths, a large pond, and a tree-lined meditation hill. Asplund dealt mainly with the buildings and the small Woodland Crematorium.

Villa Sturegården

The Villa Sturegarden is a residential house built in 1913 in Sweden, thought to be the first completed project of Gunnar Asplund. It was built for a local bank manager. This neoclassic style house is two stories with the ground floor consisting of the entrances, social areas, and the kitchen while the upper level was rooms for the family. Many items were designed by Apslund himself, such as the tables, chairs, and the sofa. He was known to reflect his own style into the tiniest of details of his works. Most of the interior has been preserved close to the original condition.

St. Francis of Assisi Church

I have only visited St. Francis of Assisi once in my life, but it was such a beautiful church. One of my brothers got married in this church in Oklahoma City. I first saw it when we had the wedding rehearsal. The ceiling has arches across it which draws you farther into it. When walking down the aisle, I paid more attention to the altar and the design behind it rather than making sure I was walking in a straight line or knowing where to stop.

Saint Cecilia Church

Saint Cecilia Church is in San Francisco, California. My uncle flew my cousins and I out to San Francisco to visit him for our graduation gift. One of the days we were there, we went to early morning mass. When walking in, all I could do is stare up at the ceiling. The walls are so tall and have intricate designs all over them.

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church is the church that my oldest brother attends, and that I would attend when I would come visit him in Norman. When I came to the University of Oklahoma as a student, I started to attend this church regularly. When I first came to this church, I started to take in all the beautiful details and see how it was different to the church I normally attended back home. St. Mark has changed some since I first visited it, but it has only become more beautiful.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, known as ICC for short, is the church that I grew up going to. It is located in Denton, Texas. Most of my family attends this church, especially on holidays. I always think it is funny that we have to get to Christmas or Easter mass thirty minutes to an hour early, just so we can get space for the whole family to sit together. The giant wall of stained-glass behind the altar started to be accompanied by the installation of stained-glass windows around the building within the last few years.