All posts by lax5997

Giuseppe Terragni – Aaron Lax (8)

This is Casa Giuliani Frigerio located in Como, Italy. It was built in 1939. It was the last building Terragni designed before leaving for WWII, and he had to complete the design through letters with his friend Luigi Zuccoli. The building has different facades exposed to the street on each side of the building. The different facades are comprised of sliding windows, balconies, and other elements. Quite honestly, this is one of the ugliest buildings I have ever seen. I am sure Terragni was a revolutionary architect for his time, but wow, I got unlucky by getting assigned his name for these blogs!

Giuseppe Terragni – Aaron Lax (7)

This building is the Asilo Sant’Elia in Como, Italy. It was built in 1937. It is a kindergarten building containing multiple classrooms, a dining room, and bathrooms. The central element is the access to the building. There is an interior playground inside the building. The building is pretty ugly on the outside but on the inside is quite interesting with its architecture.

Giuseppe Terragni – Aaron Lax (6)

This building is called Casa Rustici, and it is located in Milan, Italy . It was built in 1935. Terragni designed the building with another architect named Pietro Lingeri. The building is an apartment building that unifies the two units through a balcony. The facade of the building creates a courtyard for common areas in the building. There is a high use of white marble in the building, making it attractive.

Giuseppe Terragni – Aaron Lax (5)

This is a picture of the Novocomun in Como, Italy. It was finished in 1929. At the time the housing project was one of the most popular  buildings in the city. The design was unlike any other at the time in the 1920s, with its cylindrical shapes and curves. I think this building is very ugly to be quite honest.

The Fairmont – Aaron Lax (4)

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The Fairmont in Austin is a building that really caught my attention. I love admiring glass buildings that are reflective. The Fairmont is different with its light blue tint and the beautiful lights that change colors with a different theme every time you look at it. I first noticed the building earlier this year while in Austin, and it led me to research it. It’s a high-rise hotel that is very nice with a ton of amenities. The beautiful building makes me want to stay there as a guest next time I visit Austin!

Arabella Highrise – Aaron Lax (3)

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When I first saw this building I was stunned. I was driving into River Oaks in Houston for the first time earlier this summer and turned my head up to this skyscraper in the middle of a neighborhood. It is a condominium complex in Houston off the 610 and San Felipe, named the Arabella. I realized then that Houston does not have zoning laws (allowing them to build towers like the Arabella just about anywhere in the city limits) but also realized how incredible it is that architecture is evolving to revolutionary designs like the Arabella. The features and aspects of the facade of the building is beautiful once seeing it for the first time. This is the type of building I hope to invest in/build/design one day in my future.

Bank of America Tower – Aaron Lax (2)

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The Bank of America Tower is one of two twin buildings that dominantly sit above the Fort Worth skyline. It is also one of the towers I had the opportunity to work in this summer. In the picture above, the BofA tower is on the right and is the taller twin to the Wells Fargo Tower on the left. I never analyzed the Fort Worth skyline as much until I worked in the BofA tower, but I do remember always being drawn to these towers at sunset as you see above. The reflective glass presents a beautiful sight to those looking at the buildings from the east. The buildings make me feel proud to be from Fort Worth and call it home.

Empire State Building – Aaron Lax (1)

I’ve been infatuated with the Empire State Building since the first time I saw it in 2005. The grand size and its bold stature towering above the New York skyline was what caught my attention to the building. At my young age, I analyzed every detail of the building to where I could draw it freehandedly. The building covered the margins of paper during school as I couldn’t stop trying to perfect my sketch of the tower. The building is the first thing I look for when approaching New York from the airplane, or the taxi into Manhattan from LaGuardia Airport in Queens. The building fills my mind with hope and motivation to one day be in New York and work on projects that created skyscrapers like itself.