All posts by kim0035

Blog 8-Joseph Foucart-Julia Kim

I have saved my blog for my favorite building of Foucart’s. The “Victor Block”. From what I can see, it is the biggest building on the streets of Oklahoma. It is located in Guthrie, Oklahoma and was built in 1893. Still one of his early designs but I love the details taken into the design but how it comes together as one smoothly. Again, he has different designs in the windows but again, it comes together perfectly. It has no awkward distances between the designs. Also, I love the corner of the building’s windows, crowning, and panel. By the pictures, it looks as if there are more to the building as sections and by the address, I believe I can confirm my theory. I would love to visit this building to examine the details more closely. I also appreciate that the building doesn’t look rundown but instead very well taken care of over the years. Lastly, what I like most about the building are the colors. You’d have to look more closely at it to notice it itself as the bigger picture, it comes together very nicely and cleanly.

Blog 7-Jospeh Foucart-Julia Kim

Joseph Foucart has taken the role to build many historic buildings in Oklahoma, being one of the first architects to design in the state of Oklahoma. Another type of building he managed to design was the “First National Bank” in Perry, OK. It was built in 1902 with a very interesting, non-patternistic look. The windows all have very different characteristics to it and to the doorway. Almost like it was all from a separate building to combine into the bank. But still, the overall bank still manages to come together uniquely.

Blog 6- Joseph Foucart-Julia Kim

Another campus building project Foucart built was the “Williams Hall Library” in the Oklahoma State University campus in Stillwater, OK. It was built in the 1900s. Compared to the “Castle on the Hill”, “Williams Hall Library is smaller but does have the castle like design to it adapted into it. This would be the second library in OSU-Stillwater. They decided to build this one to make more room for the students. I love histories of libraries because of my love for books and the art of it. This library has more character and stories in it then most of the libraries I have been to and would love to have visited it.

Blog 5-Joseph Foucart-Julia Kim

I had the pleasure of exploring the works of Joseph Pierre Foucart. As I can understand, one of his first projects was the “Castle on the Hill”. And you can see where it gets it’s name from, from the picture below. The “Castle on the Hill” was built as part of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva, OK, back in the 1800s before a fire tragically burnt it down. This is one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen on campus. I wouldn’t even guess it was part of the campus when I first saw the picture. Later they replaced this building with a bigger one due to the amount of students enrolling.

Blog 1-Julia Kim


This is the building where I spent 10 hours of my day for 12 years of my life in Tulsa, OK. I did Taekwondo since I was very little but when my family moved to Tulsa, OK, the one place I was able to feel a part of was this Taekwondo school. I would go straight here after school and stay until very late because of my parents’ jobs. It was like daycare to me but I grew to enjoy the art. I would take all the classes available, take a nap in the office and then start my private training. Once our school started to take part in tournaments, there was no time for napping. This place holds a special place in my heart because through this place, I grew as a person and formed many family-like friendships.