All posts by John Cullison

Blog 2 Building 4

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Architect: Rick Joy

Building: Le Cabanon

This like most of his buildings is another house that is located in a very scenic location. This is one of his newer buildings that was completed in 2016. It is located in the Turks and Caicos Islands. It has a block and box kind of style that go along with many of his other buildings. Many of his houses like this one are simple but elegant. He lets the surrounding environment help showcase the house.

Blog 2 Building 3

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Architect: Rick Joy

Building: Tuscan Mountain House

Unlike my last two blogs, this building was not a large team that worked on it. This building only had Rick and one other partner in its creation. The building was completed in 2001 and secluded into wilderness like many of his other buildings. Joy’s seems to appreciate natures beauty and his buildings reflect that. It is very open and so the mountains can be seen easily.

Blog 2 Building 2

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Architect: Rick Joy

Building: Amangiri Resort

This Hotel and Spa was built in 2008 and is located in Kane County, Utah. It is very intriguing how closely it is built to the mountain side. I find the pool so interesting. The pool is built around a protruding part of the mountain side. The building itself follows the southwest style that has been around for so long. This style follows it with more of a box style. It is a long across the mountain and looks like a very relaxing place to stay.

Blog 2 Building 1

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Architect: Rick Joy

Building: Tubac House

This building stood out to me when scrolling through his buildings because of it’s structure and it’s location. This building, especially on the inside is very open with lots of glass to see out of. It is located in Tubac, Arizona. It is in a great spot where you can see desert from one side and mountains on the other. It seems like the house was built to engage well with the environment around it. The house has many slanted roofs that give the house a somewhat unusual and unique appearance. Which in my opinion makes it more aesthetically pleasing.

Blog 1 Building 4

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Adams Hall Canes

I spent more time here than I would like to admit my freshman year. The food was not good here and extremely greasy. It seemed like there was a long line almost every time I walked into that fast food establishment. Although many of these things make it seem negative, it was actually quite the opposite. This restaurant was always there for me when I needed it. After a late night of any extra curricular activities, a Canes stop was a necessity. It stayed open very late on weekends. I have many positive memories from late nights eating Canes.

Blog 1 Building 3

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Bizzell Library

This building is one of my favorite buildings speaking only in an aesthetically pleasing ways. Although most of my memories from this building were negative. I do love that I have these memories, but during the time the experience was negative. I spent many long nights binge studying after lots of procrastination. There is nothing worse than trying to cram an entire chapter in one night. These negative experience has led to me being more prepared for the future, but it was still very negative at the time.

Blog 1 Building 2

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Physical Science Center

My experience in this building was usually very poor. The building’s color gives off a sad and depressing vibe. Along with the looks of the building, the air conditioning seemed to never be working. I spent many classes sweating in that building. I took many classes in this building through my first two years, and I did not enjoy almost all of the classes I took in here. The physical science center was filled with negative experiences for me.

Blog 1 Building 1

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Headington Hall

This building was where I lived my freshman year of college. I had many very positive experience in this building. The building itself is very appealing looking at it from the outside. I made many friends in this building. The rooms were very nice and comfortable. It was nice to have a living room where I could hangout with my roommates but also have my own space. This lead to me becoming even better friends with my roommates. Not everything about living here was great, but as a whole it was a positive experience.