All posts by Jack_Stroup

Catedral de Sevilla (Post 1)

This past summer I studied abroad in Spain and Morocco and was fortunate enough to live in Seville and get to see this marvel of architecture almost every day. Much like the Cathedral in Barcelona that we mentioned in class, I was in awe of the Catedral de Sevilla from the moment I saw it. while Catedral was immens,  measuring roughly 124,000 square feet, it was full of incredible detail that was both artful as well as awe inspiring from an engineering perspective. As I began to learn the winding streets of the thousand year old city of Seville, the Catedral was always my way home as you could see it from almost anywhere in the city even when you may feel utterly lost. The inside the of the Catedral also showcased an unending appearance with massive pillars extending into beautiful stained glass portraits that the sun shone through near the ceiling. In between the ceiling and the floor there were beautiful murals like the one pictured above for places of worship. The Catedral was immense and a giant, but upon entering, I remember the incredibly serene feeling that the architecture generated as everyone was in a state of reverence of the church. The Catedral was quite an unforgettable building and an unforgettable experience!

-Jack Stroup