All posts by grantjohnson

Henry Hobson Richardson 2.1 – Trinity Church

One of Henry Hobson Richardson’s buildings is the Trinity Church in Boston. It has long been considered a masterpiece of American architecture. Built on marshland in the 1870s, it is now a classic example of what is called “Richardsonian Romanesque”. It boasts stained-glass windows, colorful mosaics, wall murals, and needle-worked kneelers. It is a vibrant church where Christians meet on a daily basis.

Warwick Castle

I visited Warwick Castle in the summer of 2017. It was astonishing, towering walls with a large courtyard in the middle. Walking through the castle, there were mannequins set up simulating what life would have been like in the castle. Going up to the top of the walls, you could see for miles out in the English countryside. Being able to see this amazing stonework was a fantastic experience.


In 2015 I visited Alcatraz Island. I was very fascinated by its history. On the tour, I got to see all of the different areas of the prison and learn about what happened there. The building itself was very run down as you would expect, but it was easy to imagine what went on there as you stood within the walls. Overall this was a very interesting and eye-opening experience for me.

Notre Dame

I visited Notre Dame during the summer of 2017. It was fantastic, I loved the stained glass that adorned the walls. Walking around, you could really feel the history of the place. The fire was a tragedy, but I am glad that I was able to visit Notre Dame before it happened. I will cherish that memory forever!

St. Andrews Church (Plano, TX)

This is the church that I attended with my family growing up. I would often volunteer at a food pantry that was based out of the church. I have spent a lot of time here, and it had a profound impact on me growing up. It has a very welcoming atmosphere and I have a great time whenever I visit!