All posts by geor2302

Jean Nouvel Blog 4 – Gladvin George

This building is called the Torres Glòries in Barcelona, Spain and it is another piece by Jean Nouvel. It resembles the shape and structure of the Doha Tower in Doha. However, instead of intricate weave patterns that are on the Doha Tower, this building is covered with glass and steel. This allows for a nighttime spectacle because they light the building with different colors. This building looks like it belongs in the Middle East, but Nouvel brought that energy to Europe by designing this in Spain. Jean Nouvel has an intriguing creativity and it shows in his architectural designs.

Jean Nouvel Blog 3 – Gladvin George

Known as the Burj Doha or Doha Tower, this building is another unique architectural piece by Jean Nouvel. From first glance, it may look like a glorified silo-like building. However, the outsides of he tower is covered in intricate designs just like the dome of the Louvre in Abu Dhabi. You can see that Nouvel strives to keep some of his unique fingerprints in different buildings. This building is in Doha and it cost about $125 million to make and it is said to be a cousin of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world.

Jean Nouvel Blog 2 – Gladvin George

This is the National Museum of Qatar designed by Jean Nouvel. This is another architectural piece that caught my eye designed by Nouvel that is remarkably unique. The structure looks like giant circular disks placed upon each other, but in a beautiful way. I would love to visit this museum in Qatar one day. Also, it seems as if designing and building in the Middle East allows for more artistic freedom by some chance. I say this because it is hard to find many designs that look like this one in America. Personally, I would love to see more artistry flourish in the way we design our buildings here. This building is wonderfully designed and it catches everyone’s attention.

Jean Nouvel Blog 1 – Gladvin George

This building is called the Louvre Abu Dhabi and it is designed by Jean Nouvel. Like the Louvre in Paris, the Louvre in Abu Dhabi contains many art collection. It is deemed to be the largest art museum in the Arabian Peninsula. As far as its design, I was completely mesmerized by the intricate-patterned dome. It is unique and sets itself apart from the other Louvre. When I looked at more pictures, it showed how the light would pass through the small gaps on the dome, giving the building natural light but in pockets. It reminded me off a night sky filled with stars. This is a very intriguing design which is absolutely fitting for an art museum.

Gladvin George Blog #4 – Burj Khalifa

This is a picture of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. When I got to see this gigantic piece of architecture, I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn’t even really make out the top of the building from the ground level. That was just crazy to me. I felt insanely tiny compared to this building. All of Dubai was just lined with one skyscraper after another. I wish I could’ve gone up to one of the higher floors to see the whole city from up there. Yet, I’m extremely glad I got to visit this building even if I just got to stay on the ground.

Gladvin George Blog #3 – Home

This is a picture of the place where I grew up. It is located in southern India in a small town called Mylapra. The first thing that might catch your eye is the bright pink color on the exterior walls. This is unique because in India, you can find houses painted in bright colors like pink, yellow, green, etc. This place is my true home because this is where I lived until I was 9 years old. This is where I first walked, first talked, and all other firsts. When I went back a couple years back, the house and the things around the house felt smaller than I remembered. Maybe it’s because I lived there while I was small and everything around just was bigger than me. Also, I felt a lot of emotions come up when I visited. That place is deeply ingrained as a key part of my life and my upbringing. Sometimes I wish I could go back because those were simpler times.

Gladvin George Blog #2 – Colosseum

As you can guess, this is a picture of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. This was another architectural piece that stood out to me when I saw it. It was very cool to see where the people gathered together to see entertainment. Though the Colosseum contained some graphic events back in the day, it is the model we use for stadiums of today. I tried to put myself back in the day at the Colosseum and I just thought about how it would’ve been a place unlike any other in the world. The people during that time would point to the Colosseum as their proud nationality. It was an amazing sight to see.

Gladvin George Blog #1 – St. Peter’s Basilica

This is a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Italy. I got the opportunity to visit different places in Italy and this was one of those places. Being there, I felt so humbled. I was standing next to hundreds of years of history and the presence around the Vatican was unlike any other. I had the chance to climb up to the dome of the basilica and the view from up there was just breath-taking. Seeing the basilica and the things around it made me feel small, like I was a part of something much much bigger in the world. It was just an amazing opportunity to visit the Vatican. While I was there, the Pope was addressing the crowd so that was something special, too.  The basilica itself was quite amazing. The detail and the grandeur of both the outside and the inside of the basilica truly stamped the Vatican as central to Roman Catholicism. Definitely, 10/10 recommend exploring Italy and visiting the historical sites.