All posts by Erick Friesen

Blog 2.4 Aldo Rossi

Image result for bonnefanten museumThe Bonnefanten Museum was established in 1884 but was later redone by italian architecht Aldo Rossi in 1992. This museum is very uniquely shaped with a rocket like structure that over looks the Meuse river in the Netherlands. The mueseum currently exclusivly shows only art and  is very prominent in the area along with being known as the viewing factory. This building is completely symetrical down the middle and is in the shape of an E.

Blog 2.3 Aldo Rossi

Image result for scholastic building aldo rossiThe Scholastic building which is the headquarters of the Scholastic Corporation is located in New York City. It was created by the italian architect Aldo RossiIt and was built in 2001 and is the only building in New York to be constructed by an italian architecht. It is a 10 story building that is uniform in height and scale while being made up or alot of steel this building standsout from its surroundings with its prominent cylindrical pillars and color and its interior is very diverse with a performing arts center along with a cafe and other such ammenities.

Blog 2.2 Aldo Rossi

Image result for ossuary funeral structure aldo rossiThe San Cataldo Cementary created by the italian architect Aldo Rossi is considered to be one of the first and most important psotmodern buildings. It is located in Modena Italy and was under construction from 1972-1976. This building is a roofless, and made with no doors or windos and is a red cubed shaped ossuary used for housing dead remains The ossuarys run parallel and are suppose to be a representation of the bone structure in humans.  It is essentially a shell in which the gaps are filled with the coffins and caskets of those who died otherwise the wholes are left open where there is nothing.

Blog 2.1 Aldo Rossi

Image result for teatro del mondo

The Teatro del Mondo created by the italian architect Aldo Rossi was officially opened in November of 1979 in Venice Italy. It is a floating theater that acts raft like and is in resemblance to floating theaters that were popular in the 18th century but with current modifications. The building has bold colors and is made of steel beams and a wooden framework and can be tugged around by a tug boat. This structure is not just for seeing performances but is meant to be seen and is a very unique structure.

Blog 4 Erick

The leaning grain elevator (Adams, OK/Panhandle)- I have family that grew up in Adams Oklahoma and to be honest there isnt much to talk about or see in the panhandle from my personal experince but in Adams Oklahoma you can find this local attraction. It is a grain elevator that was built in 1926 and was used until around 1983 and so it was not in use for many years and overtime the mill began to sway and lean due to the wind, its quiet remarkable how it was still standing until just recently in 2018 they found that although this was somewhat of a tourist attraction. It was a major liability for if it was to ever fall and so they decide to demolish it. To me this mill was very intriguing cause the way it leaned and swayed in the wind was just mind boggling and in person it was just a crazy site to see for sure, You always wanted to be the one there to see if you were there when it came falling down bad sadly it was never given that chance.

Blog 3 Erick

The Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium- lets be honnest there is no place any of us would rather be on a Saturday.  The stadium also known as Owen field was first finished constructed by Layton and Hicks and was completed in 1923 but has been continually renovated ever since. To me the stadium brings lots of joy throughout half the year as football season goes on. The atmosphere is unreal and always something I wanted to be apart of and was a big part in why I am here at the University of Oklahoma I wont lie.

Blog 2 Erick

Reunion Tower- Being from Texas and driving through Dallas one thing that is easily recognizable is the Reunion Tower, it was built in 1978 and was built by Welton Becket. The tower is very tall and unique to the Dallas area. I had the chance once to go eat dinner in the ball of Reunion Tower which was an incredible experience as the restraunt roates in 360 degrees slowly so you canget  a complete view of the Dallas skyline at night, it was remarkable and I would highly recommend doing it one day.

Blog 1 Erick

The Lincoln Memorial- when I was in my freshman year of high school I got to go to Washington D.C on a school trip and one of the buildings that we had visited and toured that stuck out to me was the Lincoln Memorial. It was created by the architect Henry Bacon who modeled the memorial as a greek temple and it was completed in 1922. I found it very intriguing with its tall pillars and grand steps leading up to the big statue of Abraham Lincoln looking over the relective pool of water and beyond and it was for sure a site to see and great experince.