All posts by Dillon Dougherty

Blog 2.4 Maya Lin – Dillon Dougherty

Eclipsed Time is a piece of Maya Lins architecture art in the Penn Station in New York. This was to symbol the solar and lunar phases through out the year. She built this piece she said ” to help commutes maybe to slow down and not been in such a rush.” The shadow cast form from this piece of architecture was supposed to complete its cycle every 24 hours. It has been removed and placed in storage because of it getting grimy and fogging over. It as lost its touch in the modern age. It will be preserved for the artist or anyone that wants to possibly purchase this piece of art.

Blog 2.3 Maya Lin – Dillon Dougherty

Maya Lin yet again with another memorial type piece of art/architecture. This is the Women’s table at Yale University. This table is for commemoration of Yale having 20 years of coeducation for men and women. This table represents the water bubbling over showing that more women getting into Yale and the expansion of education to ivy league schools to not just men. When Maya Lin created this design and when it was placed the enrollment of women never exceed the enrollment of men into the institution. Maya Lin left a note, that shows “Women have come this far at Yale, but have farther to go completely.”

Blog 2.2 Maya Lin – Dillon Dougherty

Another memorial Maya Lin had designed was the Civil rights Memorial. Just like the Vietnam Memorial she had the words and names of the people etched into black granite. So you can feel these names and get a feeling of these people and what they mean to the world. Making you able to feel their names makes it feel more real. Kinda connecting you to these people and how they changed the United States forever.  Her design was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr, as for the quote she sees that water has a soothing and healing affect. This is the reason for the exact quote that is put onto the granite that is in large letters.

Blog 2.1 Architect Maya Lin – Dillon Dougherty

Maya Lin was just a 21 year old Yale architect student when she entered into the contest that would decide what the Vietnam Veteran Memorial looked like. Not being a professional architect or even a bachelors degree she had won the contest and her idea for the memorial was taken. This is a Special memorial to anyone that has family members that had served in the Vietnam war. This huge slab or black granite has all the names of the fallen soldiers in the conflict. Almost 60,000 names are etched into the face of this granite and it’s a powerful symbol. Showing you how many men were lost in this conflict and each name has its significance. This was one of her very first projects and what an amazing display of architecture for such a young person.

Will Rogers World Airport – Dillon Dougherty 4

Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma CIty, Friday, March 23, 2018. Photo by Bryan Terry, The Oklahoman

Will Rogers may not be the biggest or best airport ever, but for some reason it gives off a home type vibe. I have traveled many times out of this airport to travel within the United States. This airport has many happy memories traveling with family and friends. It is never chaotic or ridiculously busy which I like. It being a less stressful airport is nice. The employees being from Oklahoma helps as well cause there is nothing like southern hospitality before or after a stressful day of traveling.

Washington Monument – Dillon Dougherty 3

The Washington Monument is one of my favorite pieces of Architecture that I have visited so far. This astonishing 555 feet tall obelisk amazes me. I got to see this Monument in the 5th grade with a bunch of my class mates. I was actually lucky enough to travel to the top before it had been shutdown because of a earthquake that had caused structural damages.  My favorite part about this piece of architecture is that when coming down our guide showed us that every state as there own stone. So each fifty states has own personalized piece of stone that is built into the monument.

American Airline Center – Dillon Dougherty 2

This is the American Airline Center where the Dallas Stars, and Dallas Mavericks play. This building has had an electrifying atmosphere and experience when it comes to Dallas Stars hockey games.  I have been to multiple Dallas games and it is a blast. A great place to enjoy a Hockey game and have some beers with your buddies. Watching Tyler Seguin and Miro Heiskanen on the ice is a exciting moment because of how much talent they have.

Empire State building – Dillon Dougherty 1

This was one of the first skyscrapers I had ever seen or been to when I was younger. I was 10 years old when my mom and I had visited New York City. The shear size and towering heights when walking up to it was very intimidating.  I was offered to travel up to the 86th floor to the observation deck, but did not because I had a fear of heights when I was younger. This is a must see building!!