All posts by devinhouse21

Blog 2- Gateway Arch

Seeing pictures and hearing stories about the Gateway Arch does not do it justice. This building has very substantial historical meaning that you can almost feel coming off of it ass you approach it. When you get close to the arch you are in awe about the pure size of the thing.  You then proceed to go under ground into a beautiful touristy museum location where you then await your turn to go to the top. When I got in the elevator and started to ascend I had feelings of anxiety and excitement. When you get tp the top the view is jaw dropping and almost to terrifying for some people. I dont mind heights and enjoyed the view to the fullest. Overall the gateway arch and its surrounding area is an awesome place to visit.

Blog 1- Whataburger

The Whataburger in Venus TX, will always be close to my heart. Back when I was in middle school this Whataburger was more than just a fast food chain for me and my friends, it was a symbol of freedom. Every friday we would walk here after school and every time I saw the orange and white stripes in the distance I would always get a warm tingly feeling as if im experiencing freedom for the first time again. I always thought it was super unique to have a Whataburger with the blue trimming, I still never see them. I thinks its awesome this ordinary whataburger can mean so much more than a large fry and a cheap burger.