All posts by cwise

Maslak No. 1 Office Building

Maslak No. 1 Office Building was designed by Emre Arolat in Istanbul, Turkey in the main business district. This building was designed to enrich the office life and quality. This project was focused on the density of the surrounding environment and the squeezed project site. This building introduced indoor, vertical gardens and large open-air areas within the structure to advance as a prestigious building while also enriching the tannate experience. Pictures of the structure are listed below.

Nora Mosque

The Nora Mosque is currently a work in progress for Emre Arolat Architecture. Nora Mosque will be located in Ajman in the United Arab Emirates. Nora is modeled after a “shell-like” form that has walls emerging from the earth and extending to become the roof of the structure and walkways. This Mosque located North of Dubai will be able to host 2500 people. This structure has plans to include areas for social and educational purposes, recreation, and parking. The structure is also equipped with meditation terraces and lookouts over the sea. This Mosque also will have the potential to be lit using only daylight. Pictures of the computer models are listed below.

Zorlu Center

Zorlu Center is a multi-use complex in Istanbul, Turkey constructed in 2013 by Emre Arolat. Zorlu Center serves as a center for retail, offices, hotel, and residential purposes. This is home to the largest performing arts center in the country. Zorlu Center was also home to Turkey’s first Apple store. Examples of what this megaplex include is an upscale shopping center (200 shops and 40 cafes), a five-star hotel (3 restaurants, 49 suites, 136 guest rooms), movie theatre, residential quarters, and offices. Pictures of Zorlu Center are listed below.

Sancaklar Mosque

Sancaklar Mosque is a Mosque built by Emre Arolat built in Istanbul, Turkey, This building was finished in 2012. Three years later, Sancaklar Mosque was awarded the Religious Building of the year in 2015 by ArchDaily. This mosque has been described as “one of the most striking religious creations of modern times. This mosque is also built with strategic design to symbolize different ideals of their faith. See below for pictures of the Sancaklar Mosque.

Meaningful Structure Blog 4

The Oklahoma City Memorial

Though I am not from Oklahoma City, nor was I alive for the Oklahoma Memorial, I visited the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial and it impacted me greatly. This memorial brought me both positive meaning and sorrow. This memorial brought positive meaning to me because it shows respect and remembrance to those fallen in the horrific bombing, each and every individual in a grand way. It gave me a little look along with the stories to show how the city came together in respect for those innocent lives taken. On the contrary, this structure brought me sorrow for those that died and for their families and loved ones. This tragic event changed the lives of many for the rest of their days. The body of water in the middle surrounded by the individual chairs for each person and lights made for a jaw-dropping experience filled with mixed emotions. Though I was not affected by the event itself, its legacy and remembrance will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Meaningful Structure Blog 3

Adams Hall, Price College of Business

Adams Hall is a very notable structure on OU’s campus. With its large size, cool architecture, and nationally known school inside, it is one of OU’s main attractions in my opinion. This building is meaningful to me because of my connection to this building. Not only am I a business major and study in this building, but my father and older brother graduated as business majors at OU and did the same while here. Through middle school and high school looking forward to attending this school, I would gaze at the structure excited for my future here. Now a day, I look at this structure as a goal of graduation and my gateway to my professional life. These are the reasons Adams Hall has such a meaningful value and positive experiences on me.

Meaningful Structure Blog 2

The Cow House

1023 College Ave., Norman, OK

The Cow House here in Norman is a very meaningful structure to me. This house has been in my family for about 80 years, first owned by my great grandparents. Growing up, my grandparents lived in this house causing it to be a frequent stop throughout my childhood for OU game days and holidays. In addition to this, my father lived there in college so I have seen many photos of it in my family history. My older brother moved into this house his junior year of college and lived there for two years till he graduated. My freshman year, I spent much time with him there as well. Next year I will be moving there for my final year at OU. I still spend lots of time there with my cousin who currently lives at the house. Its heavy presence in my life brings great memories and a strong meaning to me today. I get to think about fun time in the past, and great things to come there in the future.

Meaningful Structure Blog 1

Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Oklahoma

904 College Ave., Norman, OK

The Lambda Chi house here at the University of Oklahoma has great meaning to me, as I am a Lambda Chi. The first meaning this house has to me is a connection to thousands of students, Lambda Chi’s, that have lived in this house since its erection in 1930. In addition to this, I have been taught many lessons about brotherhood. Each time I walk upon this house it brings back memories of the 2 years I lived there, the lessons I learned, and more. In addition to the memories I ponder, I wonder about the future of my experiences with this house and what will come.