All posts by BeckAnderson

Blog 8- Le Corbusier Unite d’ Habitation

The Unite d ’Habitation by Le Corbusier is my favorite of all of Le Corbusier’s creations. This 18 Story residential building was the first large scale project undertaken by Le Corbusier and is built to house around 1,600 French residents in Marseille due to the high demand for residential living in the years following World War II. What sets this building apart is Le Corbusier’s concept of what he called a “vertical garden city”, consisting of communal spaces including a rooftop consisting of a garden terrace, a gym with a running track, a kindergarten, etc. The communal spaces on the interior of the building include shops, a medical center, and even a hotel. The Unite d ‘Habitation is known as one of the most innovative residential architectural creations due to its efficient use of space and impressive vertical garden city concept.

Blog 7- Le Corbusier Palace of Assembly

The Palace of Assembly in Chandigarh, India is a legislative building built by Le Corbusier in 1962 and was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2016. The Palace of Assembly includes an upward sweeping concrete roof above the entrance supported by large concrete “Pilotis” or support structures, giving a much more open and free space to support the view provided by the surrounding land. The main doors to the Palace of Assembly are intricately painted with vibrant colors, designed by Le Corbusier himself, depicting the cosmos and cosmological events on the upper half and nature including the desert, rivers, greenery, and animals on the lower half.

Blog 6- Le Corbusier Notre Dame Du Haut

Notre Dame Du Haut is a Roman Catholic Chapel built by Le Corbusier in Ronchamp, France in 1955. This is one of the Franco-Swiss’ most important designs and one of the best-known examples of the architect’s style. Considered to be one of the most important architectural building designs, the Roman Catholic chapel’s thick masonry walls allow for a free-flowing structural design that help provide the buildings stability and support. While the exterior is rather complex, the interior appears surprisingly simple in nature. Architecture is all about span and light, and this building has excellent examples of core fundamental architectural elements.

Blog 5- Le Corbusier Villa Fallet

Villa Fallet is a traditional Chalet that was built in Switzerland and is the first building designed and built by Le Corbusier when he was only 18 years old. Villa Fallet was built in 1905 before Le Corbusier was ever known by the name, when he was still Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, an architecture student designing and constructing this Villa for a friend of one of his teachers, alongside two of his fellow students. The front wood paneling of this villa is ornately decorated with pine trees as well as pinecones and intricately carved geometric patterns.

Blog 4- Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. is a really beautiful memorial building as areal the famous monuments in Washington D.C. but this one is more special than all of the rest in my opinion. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president so when my grandparents took me to Washington D.C. on vacation this is one of the buildings I wanted to go to the most and I wasn’t disappointed. This place reminds me of my trip and spending time with my grandparents and separate from that experience it is just a very powerful place to be as well.

Blog 3- Topgolf Oklahoma City

Topgolf in Oklahoma City is a building in which I’ve spent a lot of time in and had a lot of experiences in, both good and bad. I worked there for over four years and spent an incredible amount of time there over the years. I made a lot of friends while I was there and watched a lot of really bad golfers resulting in a lot of fun over the years. It is a very well built and good looking building which serves in part to make it such a fun place to be and to work.

Blog 2- The Physical Sciences Center

The Oklahoma Physical Sciences Center, also known as The Blender, is a truly horrible building. I’ve spent many hours there since becoming a student here and it is one of the worst buildings on campus in my opinion. The lighting in this building is horrible and the atmosphere is very depressing. In addition do how horrible the inside of this building is, the outside looks just as ugly  and makes OUs campus look much worse than it actually is

Blog 1- Prairie Vale

Prairie Vale Elementary School was a huge part of my childhood and I spent a great deal of time there while I was growing up. In addition to this being the school that I attended for elementary school, it was also the school where my mom worked as a principal for most of my life.  As a result of this, I spent countless hours with the kids of the other teachers roaming the halls after school hours waiting for our parents to get off work and it still has a special meaning to me as the place I grew up at.