Vo Trong Nghia

The last exemple of Vo Trong Nghia architects is a residential building called ” The Breathing House”. The Breathing house was built for a single family in Ho Chi Minh City and is accessible via a 10 foot wide alleyway. It was built in a very high density area of the city and provides privacy as well as a viable example of the tropical environment in Vietnam. The entire facade of this building is draped in a “green veil” which is made of what he calls ” creeper plants” attached to a steel frame. The plants act as a soft layer to the building that filters heat and sunlight and quite literally breathes and  provides clean air. The structure also provides the tenants with natural sunlight that is diffused as it travels inside and the thick vegetation outside also prevents the residents from ” urban crime”. The roof of the building is also covered by the flora cover and the entire building is somewhat symbolic because it is literally a breath of fresh air in an otherwise urbanized, industrial city.

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