Vo Trong Nghia

 Another interesting project by Vo Trong Nghia is that of an Urban Farming office. He claims that Vietnamese architecture has diverged away from his tropical forests atmosphere and into rapid industrial urbanization that isn’t in the best interests of the world, or Vietnam. Thus, he created a plan for a Urban Farming office which would help stave off pollution in a low-cost, environmentally sustainable way. Vo proposes that in order to return “green space” to the city, you must first promote buildings that are environmentally friendly and resemble the environment around you. He highlights the proportion of vertical urban farming and how they would use local vegetation to  make safe, and reliable food as well as combating green house gasses and other forms of pollution. Below is a description from the actual website to how the Urban Farming system would actually work. I thought it was interesting and decided to include it.
The above photos exemplify sustainability and rendering of what the building would look like. While the picture below is what it would look like on the outside.


The “vertical farm” is designed for vegetation with simple construction method- it consists of concrete structure, steel supporting and modularized planter boxes hanged there. Planter boxes are replaceable, therefore they can be flexibly arranged in accordance with height and growing condition of plants, providing sufficient sunlight. Together with  roof garden and ground, the system provides up to 190% of green ratio to the site area, which is equivalent to 1.1 tons of harvest. Various local edible plants, such as vegetable, herb and fruit tree, are selected contributing to biodiversity of the region. They are maintained with organic treatment method.

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