Richard Meier: OCT Shenzhen Clubhouse

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]
Designed by Richard Meier, the OCT Shenzhen Clubhouse is located in Shenzhen, China, and was completed in 2008. Like many of Meier’s projects, the clubhouse is very lightly colored and white with elegant use of lighting. The entrance of the building has a really cool waterfall with clean night lighting surrounding the building that really makes the colors and elements pop out at you. The building is located on an artificial island, and inside it features a fitness center, pool, multi-purpose area, restaurant, and a gallery among several other things.  What really caught my attention was the geometry of the building. It’s just very unique and clean looking in a difficult to describe way. Ultimately, I think the lighting and geometry of the OCT Shenzhen Clubhouse are what make it so unique and interesting.

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]
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