Shanori Goosen-Fine Arts Center Blog 2

This is a photo of the Fine Arts Center at OU. I have spent the past 3 years in this building so I have a lot of positive and negative feelings about it. To start with the negative sides of this, I think this building is quite bland. The building is basically a giant box and the most interesting side of it is the front which is shown in the picture. Also, the only windows in this entire building are only in the front entrance which is not enough to create natural light anywhere near the classrooms and I think sets a really dark and depressing tone for the students inside. Lastly, there are tiny letters that say “fine arts center” however they are all hidden by bushes because it is too close to the ground. Now with the positive things, I think the entrance you walk into is actually quite lovely. The front wall is a giant window that is about 3 stories tall and makes for a very open and bright front room. The landscaping in the front is also pretty and there is a fountain in the front that is water flowing over a sphere and I always thought it was interesting. All in all I have very mixed feelings about this building.

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