United States Capitol- Davis Lambert

The United States Capitol is one of the more important and unique buildings we have in our country. It is the centerpiece for all that keeps our great country standing on its feet. This building is very special to me because I got to work in and around it for a month as an intern and got see what its all truly about. My intern was during a very exciting time for America (some might say). It was January of 2017, during the time of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.  It was an incredibly hectic time in Washing D.C. Whenever I see pictures of the capitol and all of its magnificence, I think of the time when I got to spend a month being a part of it all. The people in there and all the tools that keep our country great are so special to see. When any American thinks of a dome top to a building, they will probably first think of the United States Capitol. Its long stairs at its front make it’s appearance all the greater as it appears to be up on a pedestal.  It is hard to say which side is the front and which side is the back because they are both equally as incredible. The above picture shows where presidential inaugurations take place and I was privileged enough to attend President Donald Trumps. My experience in Washington D.C. centered around the capitol and it will always be one of the cornerstone sites that will remind me of one of the most remarkable months I ever had.

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