BLOG 2 – Oklahoma City Federal Building

While I didn’t get to admire the unique architecture of the Oklahoma City Federal Building while I was there, this building had an immeasurable impact on my life. When I was in high school, I was on track to enter the US Navy for a Nuclear Engineering program that was presented to me by some recruiters that came to my high school. I did very well on the ASVAB, especially in the areas that were important to Nuclear, and my recruiters were thrilled to get a new recruit into this selective and demanding program. So off I went to the Federal Building in Oklahoma City to my military entrance physical screening. Everything was going great, and I was about to be a Nuclear engineer for the United States Navy, until I got to the vision exams, where they told me something that I already knew: I am red-green colorblind. This alone kept me from the Nuclear program, and changed the course of my life substantially. Instead, I went on to get a job at OU Medical Center, where I met my now-wife. We now have a house, a cat and dog together, with a baby girl on the way in a few months, and I am attending classes at the University of Oklahoma. All because I can’t tell the difference between a few shades of some colors.

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