CityPlex Towers, Tulsa, OK

The CityPlex Towers, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, can be seen from miles away. They are some of the tallest, most beautiful buildings in outside appearance located in Tulsa which to some might not say much. The towers were originally built to be a Christian hospital called City of Faith Medical and Research Center. However, these plans fell through, and the towers are mostly empty or occupied by offices now. Nevertheless, these towers are extremely important to me due to a smaller, mostly outpatient, surgical center called Oklahoma Surgical Hospital being located inside.  Not only did I undergo four surgeries inside these towers in the span of about two years, I also had my first job here. So, the towers are a representation of both good and bad times during my life. The first two things I ever noticed about the towers were their height and the gold color. Upon walking into the main lobby I was taken back by the waterfall and incredibly high ceilings. The Oklahoma Surgical Hospital part of the CityPlex Towers is similar to many hospitals, but has a very elegant waiting room. The surgical rooms are however very similar to most hospitals. That being said, this structure has had great significance in my life.

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