Blog 1.2 (Oklahoma Memorial Stadium)

The stadium here at the University of Oklahoma has a special place in my heart. Since my freshman year, I have spent countless hours both inside the building and on Owen Field. I am there nearly every day to study or work on homework. Actually, it is where I am currently writing this blog. This stadium is a big part of nearly every students’ college career. Whether it’s just because of the freshman class photo, walking by on the way to class, or going to the Saturday football games; the stadium is a part of OU life. Personally, I love that the stadium can bring people together. Each game can hold roughly 87,000 people in the stands, making it the most congested space in Oklahoma. On those Saturdays, the thousands become one. Whether it’s the roar of the crowd on third downs or the singing of the OU chant, the people become the beating heart of Oklahoma pride.

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